Web Prosperity

January 5, 2009

WAVE 2 Signups Will Double WebProsperity Are You Plugged In

Filed under: web prosperity — webprosperitydbq @ 2:45 am

Good Morning Everyone, in whatever country you are waking up. This mornings at 8:26 AM, California Time…”Speed of Signups” is looking like this….

Every 2-12 seconds someone from around the globe joins WebProsperity. I want you to know the pace is speeding up…It started last night and will continue and we all need to understand why so you can take massive action with your team to benefit financially.

In the last 24 hours great people who we have been talking to are now seeing the huge early success from from marketers and associates who have been calling and e-mailing them about WP since day onew. At first, they just waved WP off as just another launch, but after 37,000 over 41,500 signups since Dec. 25 WebProsperity is validating its own success. Now the thought process changes and people think about being left behind.

This is only “WAVE 2″. Don’t think about where we have come from or how great we are….focus on the possibilities of where we are going…and how you and your team can and lead and benefit.

We have not scratched the surface!

Stay Humble and Aggressive….David D’Arcangelo

37,000+ Sign Ups. New Conference Call Details.

We promised that WebProsperity would be the most dominating Internet Marketing value proposition ever introduced online and we will deliver on that promise!

Today we’ve signed the 37,000 pre-launch member and we’re adding new members every few seconds (you can watch the dynamic “last joined” updates on your WP prelaunch websites; warning: it’s highly addictive and with only about 2 days to go we must go to work 🙂

Conference bridge has maxed out for the Saturday call due to the sheer volume of entrepreneurs trying to stay ahead of the curve as this amazing Internet Marketing opportunity unfolds!

Starting tomorrow, we will be using a conference bridge that can support up to 1,000 callers – until we need to upgrade again. We will also do two of these calls per day instead of just one. I assure you, we will do whatever it takes to get every one of you on these very important calls!

Date: Tomorrow (Sunday, January 4th, 2009)

First call: 9 AM PST (12 Noon EST, 5 PM UK, 6 PM Europe) ~ 20 mins
Second call: 5:30 PM PST (8:30 PM EST) ~ 20 mins

Call Access Information:

US Dial-In Number: (712) 432-1001

International: +1 712 432-1001

Conference ID: 460589621# (get on early!)

Make sure you put these dates and times in your calendars NOW! The calls are filling up FAST and with less than 3 days till launch you don’t want to be left out!

Congratulations to the 37,000+ Team Members who have joined WebProsperity since Christmas Day!

You’re off to a great start, but NOW you need to keep the team strong and success-driven – don’t let anyone get left behind!

Yours In Success…

David D’Arcangelo
Founder/Chief Spokesperson

PS: These next calls are VERY important and could determine the success of your 2009 strategy! Please make sure that you attend them along with your entire team.

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